ZTE IMEI Number Check
What is IMEI, and How to Find It?
IMEI is a unique 15-digit number assigned to every mobile device. It acts as the "fingerprint" of the phone, allowing network operators and users to track and verify the authenticity of the device. IMEI is important for identifying stolen or blacklisted phones and confirming that the phone matches the advertised specifications.
You can check the IMEI of your ZTE phone by dialing *#06# in the phone application, or you can find it in the settings under Settings → About phone → Status. The IMEI number is also usually found on the original packaging next to the barcode, on the SIM card tray, or under the battery for devices with a removable battery.
Example of ZTE IMEI check result:
Full name of the device
ZTE V50 Green 128GB
Image of the device
Secure sensitive data
IMEI Number:
Check Date:
19 Mar 2024 2:14 PM
Purchase country:
Replaced by Apple:
Registered Device:
Activation Status:
Loaner Device:
Data of the device
The fields of the displayed information may differ, depending on the device being checked
Estimated Purchase Date:
20 Jul 2021
Warranty Status:
Out of warranty
AppleCare Eligible:
Green - positive status
Valid Purchase Date:
Find My Device:
Red - negative status
Service Coverage:
Advanced check
100% device info starts from $1.99
Get additional unique information about your device right now without registration
- 100% available device information
- Black list status
- Unlimited checks The number of paid checks is not limited by the system. You can do a huge number of paid checks per day by paying for each check individually (each device ID check is paid separately)
- High processing priority
- No registration required
- Extended support
- Card payments
Free demo check
20% of device information is available for free
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Advanced check
100% specific device information
- 100% available device information
- Black list status
- Unlimited checks The number of paid checks is not limited by the system. You can do a huge number of paid checks per day by paying for each check individually (each device ID check is paid separately)
- High processing priority
- No registration required
- Extended support
- Card payments
What Information Will IMEI Check Provide
An IMEI check provides essential information about your ZTE mobile device. Specifically, you can find out:
Device Status: Whether the phone is blacklisted or reported stolen.
Technical Specifications: Confirmation of the phone's model, operating system, color, storage capacity, and other parameters.
Device History: Whether the device has been previously marked as stolen or locked for some networks.
Warranty Status: The remaining warranty and eligibility for manufacturer support.
Authenticity Check: Whether the device is genuine or counterfeit.