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Track Your Lost Mobile Phone with IMEI Number

Thousands of people lose their mobile phones every day. In such a situation, you can immediately give up and accept the loss of gigabytes of data and other important information. However, there is another way — to use modern technologies for searching.

It is important to remember that a lost phone is not necessarily a stolen phone. You could have left it in transport, in a cafe, or just accidentally dropped it on the road. This means that its location can be quickly determined.

Many users return their devices using IMEI tracking. This is a unique code assigned to the phone during its production and contains a lot of information about it. In this article, you will learn how to track and block lost or stolen mobile phone using its IMEI number, as well as what actions should be taken immediately after loss.

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Track Your Lost Mobile Phone with IMEI Number

Can a Phone Be Tracked Using Its IMEI Number?

First, you need to understand what IMEI is. International Mobile Equipment Identity is an individual number for each phone or any other device with a SIM card. It is used to identify devices in a mobile network.

IMEI consists of fifteen digits. The first eight digits indicate the Type Allocation Code (TAC). The next 6 symbols are the serial number, and the last character is a check digit. Such identification makes each device unique and allows mobile operators to track its location.

Every time a smartphone connects to the network, it transmits information about its number. The technical parameters of IMEI determine the capabilities of tracking the device. Firstly, when the phone is turned off, it is impossible to find it. Secondly, signal transmission does not depend on the presence or absence of a SIM card.

The IMEI number allows you to find a lost gadget. This means that if you lose your phone, there is a chance to get it back. To do this, you need to know the code itself and take sequential steps, which we will talk about in the next section.

Steps to Track a Lost Mobile Using IMEI Number

Regular users do not know what an IMEI number is. Usually, we do not need it, and we try to realize how to track lost mobile phone using IMEI number only when the problem has happened. If such an unpleasant situation happens, you need to take several steps. However, first of all, you need to find out the IMEI, and it is better to do this while you have the phone.

There are two easy ways to find out the number. First, you can dial the combination *#06# on your device and press the call button. The 15-digit code will immediately appear on the screen. The second way is to open the gadget settings, the “About phone” section. If the phone is lost, you can find the code on the box or in your Google account (if you logged in from the gadget).

Now that you know the International Mobile Equipment Identity, it's time to return your gadget. Remember that there is no 100% guarantee of success, but the following steps will make the likelihood of return much higher:

  • Contact your operator. Report the situation and provide the IMEI of your device.
  • Contact the police. If the mobile phone is stolen, the police are obliged to search for the criminals.
  • Use online IMEI tracking services. They are available from any device, provided there is an Internet connection.
  • Use phone search apps. You can install them on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Contact the manufacturer and inform it of the problem.

It is important that you do not hesitate and immediately use these methods to find your phone. Speed in such a situation increases the chances of getting your gadget back. Below, we will consider all these opportunities in detail.

Report the Loss to Your Service Provider

The most obvious action to take when you lose your mobile phone is to contact your mobile carrier. Providers have access to the telephone signal distribution network and can determine the location of a specific device. This is possible because gadgets with IMEI transmit signals and receive them back.

Unfortunately, this procedure is not simple, since to access the location of the phone, you will have to prove that you are its owner. Here is a list of data that you will need before contacting the operator:

  • IMEI number of the smartphone you want to find.
  • Your ID. It is advisable that the seller record your personal data when purchasing.
  • Receipt for the purchase of the device.

The probability of successful processing of the application will be higher if you go to the service center instead of calling or writing in the chats of technical support. The advantage of this method is that the provider can not only track but also block the phone if necessary.

File a Police Report

Immediately after you contact your mobile operator, file a police report. These two methods can and should be used together. Law enforcement agencies cooperate with mobile providers and can also access the network and determine the location of the phone.

An additional benefit of cooperating with the authorities is that if someone tries to sell a stolen phone, they will not be able to do so. With the help of the IMEI, the cellphone will be blacklisted and the potential buyer will see it. Below are some useful tips that will help the police begin their search:

  • File a report as soon as possible.
  • Provide as much information about your device as possible, including the model, color, whether it has a case, and of course, the IMEI.
  • Indicate where you lost your phone.
  • Cooperate with authorities as needed.

If you have insurance, even if the search is unsuccessful, you will be able to receive the insurance amount. Also, contacting the police is useful if thieves try to use your accounts for fraud.

Use Online IMEI Tracking Services

Some users, when their phone is lost, thoughtlessly ask the operator to block it. This solution is not optimal for several reasons. Firstly, because the phone may be lost, not stolen, and blocking it will not do anything. Secondly, even if you return your gadget, it will be difficult to unlock it back. Therefore, if you still hope to see your device, it is better to first try to determine its geolocation.

Today, the simplest answer to the question, "How to track lost mobile using IMEI number?" is online trackers. Several websites offer phone search services. Among them, there are both paid and free ones. Also, they all differ in the level of reliability and accuracy of the data provided. To use the service, you may need to verify your identity. When choosing a tracker, pay attention to positive reviews and reputation.

The interface of most such services is similar. There is a field for entering the IMEI and one large button "Find phone." Usually, these sites have instructions and a registration form. This method is quite convenient since it does not involve contacting third parties. In addition, visiting a specialized website will be much faster than contacting the police.

The advantages of online IMEI number tracking services are the following:

  • You don't need to install additional programs — just an Internet connection.
  • The website can be opened from any gadget and anywhere on the globe.
  • Significant time savings compared to other methods.
  • Tracking location on Google Maps in real time.
  • Services are usually free or at an affordable price.
  • Simple and clear interface.

Despite all these advantages, independently tracking your smartphone with online services also has some disadvantages:

  • Many trackers require identity verification.
  • Some premium features may incur additional fees.
  • Some services have access to a limited number of devices (e.g. iOS).

If you have lost your phone, you can try to find it using an IMEI number tracker. However, it is important to understand the disadvantages of this method and always choose only reputable services.

Utilize Mobile Tracking Apps

Mobile applications for tracking Android and Apple phones have a completely different technical principle of operation. If online services use the IMEI number to search, applications have access to the GPS module of the device. To utilize them, you need to install the program and grant the appropriate permission.

If you have such an application installed and the phone is turned on, finding it is quite simple. The gadget will send a signal to the satellite, and you will be able to see the exact position from another smartphone or tablet. Also, you will know the history of the movement. This is a serious argument in favor of installing specialized software and protecting your property.

Of course, tracking applications are used not only to find lost gadgets. This function turned out to be so convenient that it is actively used in everyday life. Here are some ways to use GPS applications:

  • Monitoring children. Parents always want to know where their child is. This is a basic safety rule that allows you to reliably protect the younger generation from external threats. The application will show when the kid left school, and you will know when to expect them for lunch. In addition, you can limit the child's access to some phone functions and prevent accidental deletion of software.
  • Monitoring employees. Managing a business is much easier if you always know which employees are at their workplaces. The tracking function helps determine KPIs and is indispensable if your business is related to delivery.
  • Determining the location of family members. If your partner and children have trackers on their phones, you always know where they are. This creates additional closeness and gives a sense of safety.

Today, the choice of software for determining the GPS position of the phone is quite large. You can find free and paid options in the Google Store and App Store. Depending on the developer and the specifics of the application, it may have several additional functions:

  • Possibility to block the device remotely.
  • Display the last location of the phone if the application is deleted.
  • Remote camera control (you can take a photo of the thief).
  • Activation of a non-stoppable alarm.
  • Notifications when replacing the SIM card.

All these advantages are a good argument in favor of installing a mobile tracker. Even if you do not use it constantly, it will give you a sense of security and answer how to track lost mobile phone using IMEI number.

Contact the Manufacturer

Another way to save your phone data if it is lost or stolen is to contact the manufacturer. Few people know that the manufacturer has access to all of its devices and can send a blocking signal to any smartphone. This makes the gadget unusable, and intruders cannot use your applications and accounts. Of course, this method will not return your property, so you should only use it when other options have failed.

To disable the device in this way, you need to contact the company and prove the fact of purchase. Reach consultants and say that your phone was stolen. Attach to your application a receipt for the goods and any other documents confirming that you are the owner of the gadget. After reviewing, the manufacturer may decide to block it.

Preventive Measures

No smartphone buyer plans to lose it. Unfortunately, it does happen, and we need to protect ourselves. It is important to minimize the risk of losing equipment and save your data. Below are some tips that all people who value their gadgets should know:

  • Use a strong password. Surprisingly, some users do not lock their phone screens at all or use simple combinations like "1234." Increase the number of characters, make the password complex, or use a graphic password. An even more reliable way is to use biometric data, such as a fingerprint or retina.
  • Install GPS trackers in advance. As you already know, they allow you to track your smartphone remotely and have other useful functions. Be sure to give the application all the necessary permissions and activate the "Find my phone" function.
  • Stick a sticker with your contact information. Quite often, there are situations when honest people find Android and Apple mobile phones and want to return them to their owners. This can happen, for example, if you forget your gadget in a taxi. Having a note under the case will greatly facilitate the journey of your device home.
  • Enable data backup. Photos, videos, and other files can be more valuable than the phone itself. Therefore, to ensure their safety, enable automatic backup to the cloud storage. Write down your IMEI number. The receipt or box may get lost, so it is better to save the mobile device identifier in advance. This will give you the opportunity to use all the methods described in this article.

This article has described in detail the methods for finding lost or stolen gadgets. It is better that you never need them. However, understanding that the phone can be returned is useful in emergency cases. So, when the question, "How to track my lost mobile phone using IMEI number?” arises, you will know what to do.



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